Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

Julie Valerie. . . just when I thought you couldn't get any cooler you sent me this nomination for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Wow! Thank you. Julie is an awesome women's fiction book blogger. We recently traded spaces which was a blast and this is turning out to be just as fun!

Here's the skinny on the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. . .

1. Thank the nomination giver (Julie Valerie in this case)

2. Post 7 things about yourself (who doesn't love talking about themselves?)

3. Pass the award on to 7 other bloggers of your choice and let them know they've been nominated.

4. Include the logo go the award in the post of your blog. 

I will fulfill these now. . .

Thank you Julie Valerie. It means so much that you thought of me!!

7 Things About Amanda Aksel

1. I love sleeping late on Saturday mornings, then enjoying coffee on the couch with the latest episode of Grey's Anatomy. I think that's what heaven's like.

2. I wish I could play piano and sing like Sara Bareilles. Still trying. . .

3. Emily Giffin is my favorite women's fiction author. I aspire to have a career and wardrobe like hers. 

4. My family includes an adorable little maltipoo named Lani (hawaiian for heaven).

5. I consider myself a non-dairy-pescetarian. I'm basically a vegan that eats fish. Does anyone have a better name for that? 

6. I love burgers!! My favorite is In-N-Out. I just don't eat them anymore :( 

7. The one person I hope to meet is Daisaku Ikeda.

And the blogger nominees are. . .


  1. Thank you so much for the nomination!
    I love Emily Giffin's books too, but I'm not familiar with her wardrobe. And I confess, I had to google 'maltipoo' :)

  2. Thanks for stopping by Pauline. I'm really enjoying your novel!

  3. And to show how lame and uninformed I am - I had to google Daisaku Ikeda!

  4. Nice Julie! I wish he had more recognition.
